Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Alternatives besides google adsense, RevenueHits be come at Publisher

Alternatives to Google Adsense, RevenueHits

RevenueHits alternatives besides google adsense publisher, revenuehits very easy to use as Google AdSense. For advertising copy and paste the html code afterwards in the edit html or in your blog layout. RevenueHits also can be put on the blog / web download


Below is an example of the image display revenuehits:

For registration:

     click disisni http://www.revenuehits.com/
     then click on the join now
     complete data content requested
     if it has been requested complete data content, click placements
     Click to create a banner ad placements
     after which ad copy and paste the html code edit html or in your blog layout
     Last seen your blog ads appear immediately

Or click on the image below:

